
23 2019

Oldest Jewish Americans Brunch

11:00AM - 1:00PM  

Maureen & Douglas Cohn Jewish Community Campus 13009 Community Campus Dr.
Tampa, FL 33625
813-264-9000 (Phone)
813-265-6450 (Fax)

Contact Michelle Gallagher

Every year we honor elders that have reached the milestone age of 90 years and hold the “Oldest Jewish American Brunch” event. The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Village Assisted Living Residences provides exceptional care for seniors within our community and hosting such an event meets our mission. At the event a delicious brunch is served and enjoyable entertainment is provided. A great time is enjoyed by all present. There is no charge for honorees plus one guest. Tickets to attend the event: $18 ($20 at the door). Thank you in advance for your participation in our Oldest Jewish Americans Brunch event!