
5 2016

Oldest Jewish American Brunch

11:00AM - 12:30PM  

Tampa Jewish Community Centers & Federation 13009 Community Campus Drive
Tampa, FL

Contact Michelle Gallagher

Honoring those 90 years and older, Weinberg Village will host their inaugural Oldest Jewish Americans Brunch at the Tampa JCC & Federation on Sunday, June 5th at 11:00 A.M..

“We have honored those over the age of 80 at the Stephen Weinberg 8 Over 80 Award Ceremony and Reception every year and we felt that we should also honor our elders that have reached the milestone age of 90 as well,” said Weinberg Village board member, Nadine Feldman. “The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Village Assisted Living Residences provides exceptional care for seniors within our community and hosting such an event like this suits our mission quite perfectly.”

At the event a decorative brunch will be served with entertainment by one of Tampa’s distinguished Barbershop Quartets, Song Daddy. In addition, a local government official will be present to acknowledge and pay tribute to our honorees in attendance.

There is no charge for this event for every honoree over the age of 90 with the company of one guest. Entry for every additional guest is $18.00. 

To nominate a friend or loved one please provide the community member’s name, age as of Sunday June 5th, 2016, address and phone number. In addition, we request that you provide the name, address, email address and phone number for the best point of contact for further event correspondence. Invitations will be mailed in April.


 Please provide the above requested information to:

Weinberg Village Assisted Living Residences

13005 Community Campus Drive

Tampa, FL 33625

Attention: Michelle Gallagher

Email: michelle.gallagher@jewishtampa.com

Fax: 813-265-2901


Co-Chairs of the event are: Nadine Feldman, Steve Weinberg, Elana Goldman, Lloyd Stern & Patty Kalish.


Thank you in advance for your participation in our first Oldest Jewish Americans Brunch!