
8 2015

TampaBay-Job-Links: How to Successfully Target Companies

9:30AM - 11:00AM  

Tampa Bay Job Links 2807 W. Busch Blvd.,
Tampa, FL

Contact Nikki Trent

LINKS is an acronym for Leads, Interviews, Networking, Know-How, and Strategies. It is an educational and motivational program designed to help candidates prepare for the week ahead and to share conversation, contacts, and job search information in a relaxed, friendly environment. For the unemployed professional, LINKS is a “place to go” to focus on the job search when others go to work on Monday mornings. LINKS sessions are free and open to the public. RSVP is required.


  • Kick-start the week with renewed energy and focus
  • Learn career transition tips from career strategists and industry experts
  • Practice a 30-second commercial in a relaxed, safe environment
  • Exchange ideas, information, and experiences with participants
  • Create an action plan for the week

What We Will Cover:

  • 30-Second commercials
  • The topic of the week
  • Candidate successes and challenges   
  • Individual action plans for the week