
23 2015

Watercolor: Through New Eyes Spring

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Maureen & Douglas Cohn Jewish Community Campus 13009 Community Campus Dr.
Tampa, FL 33625
813-264-9000 (Phone)
813-265-6450 (Fax)

This course is offered in partnership with OLLI-USF. Learn basic watercolor techniques in this hands-on course. We will discuss the watercolorists' tools, brushes and paper, as we experience the properties of paint, color, composition to help you create your own work. Using a limited palette, learn techniques together while working individually on the class project. Beginners through intermediate watercolorists welcome. First-time participants will find the initial cost of materials and supplies is approximately $100; a list of required supplies will be provided on registration.


Sue Tihansky, BA Fine Art, retired as after more than 25 years of experience and many awards as a graphic designer and creative director. She studied oil painting with William Pachner and is a long-time member of OLLI-USF.


Fee: $50 for the six class meetings.

Continue the conversations over lunch at the JCC! Order $5 box lunch in advance with Rachel Tilow, 813-769-2809,