This Light of Ours: Activist Photographers of the Civil Rights Movement, an exhibition of the Center for Documentary Expression and Art, presents the Civil Rights Movement through the work and voices of nine activist photographers – men and women who chose to document the national struggle against segregation and other forms of race-based disenfranchisement from within the movement.
Join us for the opening reception, featuring three of the photographers whose work is part of the exhibition including Tampa Bay resident Bob Fletcher. Also view the new FHM original exhibition on the Civil Rights Movement in Tampa Bay and Sarasota, Beaches, Benches and Boycotts: The Civil Rights Movement in Tampa Bay.
$9 general admission, free to FHM members. Please call (727) 820-0100 ext. 271 to RSVP.
The exhibition is comprised of 157 black and white photographs, the majority of which were taken in Mississippi and Alabama between 1963 and 1966. Generously presented by Bank of America. Also media partner Bright House, with additional support from the State of Florida.
This Light of Ours is an exhibition organized by the Center for Documentary Expression and Art. Major support for the exhibition has been provided by the Bruce W. Bastian Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Sponsor: Bank of America, Bright House Networks