
21 2021

Schaarai Zedek Adult Education: Parenting

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Wednesday, April 21, at 7:30 PM
Our children have been through a lot this year and have faced many disappointments and challenges. What does it take to build resilience and grit in these times? What are the pandemic’s long-term effects on our children’s mental health, and what can we do now to support and care for them? Bobby Harris, Director of URJ Camp Coleman and lifelong educator, will draw on his experience working with campers and processing grief while finding moments of joy and celebration.

Zoom link: https://zedek-org.zoom.us/j/95809948442?pwd=MW9FaFR3MnN5R012eU1NWVZjdWhpZz09
Zoom Meeting ID: 95809948442
Zoom Password: 3303