Join Congregation Rodeph Sholom & Connection Cultures for Peace as they proudly present a program for change: "Standing Together for Racial Unity." This event is FREE VIA ZOOM
Inspiring conversation about the remarkable friendship and alliance of Dr. King and Dr. Heschel and how their legacy affects Black-Jewish relations today.
Featured Speakers are:
Dr. Susannah Heschel, daughter of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
Rabbi Capers Funnye Jr.- Chief Rabbi International Israelite Borad of Rabbis
For more information call: Michele Norris (813) 352 - 8765 or Iris Sandow (914) 441 - 6036
This is a collaborative effort with The Sisters of Esther, Rabbi-Cantor Kornworcel, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, Rev. James Golden- Mt. Zion AME Church, Dr. Patricia Hause- The Potter's House, Cal Jackson- DEI Practictioner, Audrey Weisberg and Charlotte Israel - Connecting Cultures of Peace