
19 2016

CYP: Sushi and Scotch

6:30PM - 10:00PM  

Chabad Chai of South Tampa 2511 W Swann Ave
Tampa, FL

Contact Mendy Dubrowski

CYP 3rd Shabbat: Sushi & Scotch
Chabad Young Professionals invites you to their monthly 3rd Shabbat, A Holy Hour - Happy Hour.
February 19 @ Chabad CHAI
6:30pm: Musical Tefillah
7:00pm - 8:00pm: Scotch & Sushi 
Unwind and mingle over Scotch & Sushi
Uplift yourself with a sweet soulful Tefillah 
Bring your week to a graceful close and energize yourself for the week ahead
CYP exclusive ages 21 - 39