
24 2020

TBJL: Emotional Intelligence: A Key to Job and Career Success

1:00PM - 2:00PM  

Tampa Bay Job Links 1211 N. West Shore Blvd
Suite 300
Tampa, FL

Contact Nikki Trent

On at least one occasion, you must have heard, “Information tells, but emotions sell.” That means, you will struggle to win your next job if you are unable to connect with those who may be interested in your candidacy. Herein lies the power of your emotional intelligence. The good news is everyone can increase her/his emotional intelligence. In this interactive workshop, you will be exposed to the fundamentals of emotional intelligence, and how it can help you get hired sooner rather than later. You will walk away with a clearer understanding about what emotional intelligence is and is not. Also, you will learn how to become more self-aware and socially aware, how to increase your self-management skills, and how to enhance your relationship management skills.

Presented by John Loblack, TBJL Career Strategist

What we will cover:

  • Define emotional intelligence
  • Identify the domains of emotional intelligence
  • Identify strategies to manage your emotions more effectively
  • Develop approaches to improve your social intelligence

Materials Needed: There are no materials required for this workshop.

Workshop Length: 1 hour.  Please plan to log into Zoom 5 -10 minutes early.

Who Should Attend:
Unemployed and underemployed individuals looking to work in a professional environment and seeking relevant and practical information or advice regarding the next steps in their job search or career path. This includes individuals in mid-career transition, women re-entering the workforce after a hiatus, military veterans transitioning to the civilian workforce, recent college graduates launching their careers, and mature workers not ready or able to retire.

Cost to Attend: Free

Dress: Business casual

Virtual:  Via Zoom

Registration Required: Please register below.

TampaBay-Job-Links is a non-profit supported by individual donors and foundations including Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Community Foundation of Tampa Bay, Lightning Foundation, Rooms To Go Foundation, Tampa JCC & Federation, Truist Foundation, and Vinik Family Foundation.