
21 2018

TAMPABAY-JOB-LINKS: Writing High-Impact Cover Letters

9:30AM - 11:30AM  

Tampa Bay Job Links 1211 N. West Shore Blvd
Suite 300
Tampa, FL

Contact Nikki Trent

Most hiring managers find cover letters useless because they don’t communicate what is most needed. However, those same hiring managers acknowledge that an effective cover letter can be a quick ticket to an interview. Come learn the magic that can turn your introductory communication into a winner!

Guest presenter: Patti Breckenridge, Founder, People Connections of Florida LLC

Workshop Goals:

Learn how to write cover letters that:
•Address the two topics of most interest to hiring managers and recruiters
•Avoid adding unnecessary information, and
•Use a format that is much easier to read than the traditional paragraph-dominated letter.
•Make it through the initial screening process
•Impress the hiring manager

 What We Will Cover:
•What the hiring community wants to see in a cover letter
•How to answer crucial questions succinctly
•An effective cover letter template
•Writing and reviewing sample cover letters

Materials Needed:
Please bring printouts of 5 job postings that interest you.
Prepare a 15-second branding statement to introduce yourself.

Workshop Length:
2 hours.  Participants should plan to arrive 15 minutes early.

Who Should Attend:
Unemployed and underemployed individuals looking to work in a professional environment and seeking relevant and practical information or advice regarding the next steps in their job search or career path. This includes individuals in mid-career transition, women re-entering the workforce after a hiatus, military veterans transitioning to the civilian workforce, recent college graduates launching their careers, and mature workers not ready or able to retire.

Cost to Attend:
Free for TBJL Full Program Participants and $15 for guests.

Dress: Business casual

Out of consideration for other participants, we ask that all candidates refrain from wearing fragrances, perfume, and cologne.

Jack Roth Center for Career Development
4100 West Kennedy Blvd. Suite 206
Tampa, FL 33609

Registration Required:
Seating is limited. Please email rsvp@tbjl.org or call (813) 344-0200.