
5 2018

TAMPABAY-JOB-LINKS: What’s in Your Job-Search Toolbox?

9:30AM - 11:00AM  

Tampa Bay Job Links 1211 N. West Shore Blvd
Suite 300
Tampa, FL

Contact Nikki Trent

What do you need to navigate your job search? No matter what stage you are in during career transition, there are certain tools and resources – such as your résumé and reference list – that need to be prepared and up-to-date at all times to help you move forward. There are at least 10 toolbox items – find out what they are to keep your job-search toolbox stocked and ready to go!

WHAT IS LINKS:  LINKS is an acronym for Leads, Information, Networking, Know-how, and Strategies. It is an educational and motivational program designed to help candidates prepare for the week ahead and to share conversation, contacts, and job-search information in a relaxed, friendly environment. For the unemployed professional, LINKS is a “place to go” to focus on the job search when others go to work on Monday Mornings. LINKS sessions are free and open to the public. Reservations are required.

Supported by the Vinik Family Foundation, Jeff and Penny Vinik, Trustees

•Kick-start the week with renewed energy and focus
•Learn career transition tips from career strategists and industry experts
•Practice a 30-second commercial in a relaxed, safe environment
•Exchange ideas, information, and experiences with participants
•Create an action plan for the week

What We Will Cover:
•30-Second commercials
•The topic of the week
•Candidate successes and challenges
•Individual action plans for the week

Materials Needed:
No materials are needed.

Program Length:
1½ hours.  Plan to arrive 15 minutes early.

Who Should Attend:
Unemployed and underemployed professionals, recent college grads, women re-entering the workforce after a hiatus, military veterans transitioning to civilian workforce, retired professionals needing to go back to work; candidates in career transition who want to prepare and focus their job-search plan for the week.

Cost to Attend:
Free for TBJL Full Program Participants and guests.

Business casual.

Jack Roth Center for Career Development
4100 West Kennedy Blvd. Suite 206
Tampa, FL 33609

Reservations Required:
Email rsvp@tbjl.org, or call (813) 344-0200.