
5 2018

TampaBay-Job-Links: Switching Gears Session 4 of 4

6:30PM - 8:30PM  

Tampa Bay Job Links 1211 N. West Shore Blvd
Suite 300
Tampa, FL

Contact Nikki Trent

Switching Gears: A Roadmap for Career Transition – Evening Workshop Series Session 4 of 4

- Enhance Interviewing Skills & Techniques
- Compose Cover Letters, Thank-You Notes & Email

Attend the full series, or select individual sessions.

Dinner will be provided.

Switching Gears – Evening Workshops are a 4 session series of 2-hour workshops targeted to individuals in career transition. Whether you are just beginning your career, returning to the workforce after an absence, or considering a career change, it’s essential to plan for your future with current, relevant, and practical tools and strategies that are indispensable to remaining viable in today’s job market. These 4 sessions cover the nuts and bolts of your career transition, at whatever stage you may be.

Supported by the Rooms To Go Foundation.

Session 4 – Outcomes:
•Recognize the different types of interviews.
•Increase your effectiveness in answering challenging interview questions.
•Make your written communication jump off the page.
•Develop targeted cover letters and email.

Session 4 – What We Will Cover:
•How to answer the most-asked interview questions
•How to formulate questions during an interview that demonstrate your intelligence, curiosity, and experience
•Develop written communication that gets attention and makes a positive impression
•Customizing your written correspondence

Session 4 – Materials to Bring:
•Your résumé
•Writing samples: cover letter, thank-you note, emails (if you have them)
•Business cards (if you have them)

Workshop Length:
2 hours. Participants should plan to arrive 15 minutes early.

Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are in career transition, conducting a job search, considering changing careers; people returning to the workforce; people whose job search has stalled, or those who are at the early stages of their careers.

Cost to Attend:
$50 for the entire 4-part series or $15 per Switching Gears session.

Free for TBJL program participants.

Business casual

4100 West Kennedy Blvd., Suite 206
Tampa, FL 33609

Reservations Required:
Email rsvp@tbjl.org, or call (813) 344-0200.