
22 2020

TampaBay-Job-Links: Chat With a Career Coach

11:00AM - 12:00PM  

Tampa Bay Job Links 1211 N. West Shore Blvd
Suite 300
Tampa, FL

Contact Nikki Trent

Are you looking for answers about job search and career transition? For example, are you at a loss about how to answer the dreaded “salary” question, or if you need to include a cover letter with your application? Whether you are currently employed, seeking employment, interviewing, or negotiating an offer, you are likely to have questions! Our professional career coaches offer up-to-date guidance on how to navigate your job search in today’s rapidly changing landscape. In this informal program, share your questions and gain information while virtually “meeting” other like-minded individuals. Grab your coffee, a notepad, and join us for this enlightening session!

When you register, you will be asked to provide your questions in advance of the meeting. We hope you take advantage of this great opportunity!

Facilitated by TBJL Career Strategists Robyn Winters and Bob Barry

Materials Needed: There are no materials required for this workshop.

Workshop Length: 1 hour.  Please plan to log into Zoom 5 minutes early.

Who Should Attend:
Unemployed and underemployed individuals looking to work in a professional environment and seeking relevant and practical information or advice regarding the next steps in their job search or career path. This includes individuals in mid-career transition, women re-entering the workforce after a hiatus, military veterans transitioning to the civilian workforce, recent college graduates launching their careers, and mature workers not ready or able to retire.

Cost to Attend: Free

Dress: Business casual

Virtual:  Via Zoom

Registration Required: Please register https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwud-mvrT4pH9OlICD437zJUUfUpawQRWDd