
17 2018

Norman Jewish Library - Festive Meal

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

A Festive Meal on the New Moon


The Norman Jewish Library and the Alon Yedvab Jewish Center present a new series of inspiration, song, stories, and food (of course) at the start of each Jewish month.  Every month of the Hebrew calendar has a unique energy filled with spiritual opportunities and blessings. The program offers ways for men and women of any affiliation to experience this monthly journey of renewal, filled with insights and contemporary meanings gleaned from our traditions.


Each program will touch upon the meaning and significance of the upcoming month and will feature a guest speaker.  The first program will be on Rosh Chodesh Shevat.  The month of Shevat (usually falling in January) is a month of hope, corresponding to the astral sign of Aquarius – with water having enormous spiritual symbolism in Judaism.  It also contains one of 4 Jewish New Years: the New Year of Trees, Tu B’Shevat.  Our speaker will be Donna Joseph presenting her remarkable true arboreal account: An Etrog Grows in Tampa Bay.


Come for the learning, the friendship, the joy, the song, the community, and of course, the festive meal.  All are welcome and there is no fee.  In addition, lucky winners will go home with etrog plants for their garden.

The first program will be on Rosh Chodesh Shevat, Wednesday, January 17th at 7:30PM at the Norman Jewish Library, 13207 N 52nd Street, Temple Terrace, Fl. 33617