
22 2018

Get Real-Time Feedback on Your 30-Second Commercial

9:30AM - 11:30AM  

Tampa Bay Job Links 1211 N. West Shore Blvd
Suite 300
Tampa, FL

Contact Nikki Trent

Your “elevator pitch” – or 30-second commercial – is a brief statement describing a professional product called Y-O-U! What sets you apart from others? How can you ensure that your 30-second commercial is memorable and generates interest and conversation? Your effectiveness depends on your ability to explain what makes you unique and to hook your listener – in less than a minute. Improve your comfort level in talking about yourself – clearly, consistently, and smoothly – and get feedback on your 30-second commercial. 

Registration required by end of day on Thursday, October 18th

Seating is limited to 18 participants.

Registration and details: bit.ly/2qR4CON

Monday Mornings LINKS is supported by the Vinik Family Foundation, Jeff and Penny Vinik, Trustees.

For more information about TampaBay-Job-Links, please visit TBJL.org or call 813.344.0200.