Get Ready for Teen Reels 2025

A film making contest for student creators presented by Arlyn and Adam Abelson


The Rules

Produce a short film centered around the themes of Giving (Tzedakah), Honor (Kavod), Strength (Koach), or Spirit (Ruach) which is 1 to 15 minutes in length. Submit via Vimeo or other movie-making format by March 31, 2025. Open to all Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas County Middle School and High School Students.


The Winners


The films will be judged by the Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival Committee and Staff on April 1, 2025. The winning films will be featured at the Community Wide Israel Independence Day Celebration in May 2025.



The Prizes

1st Place:
Individual Creator


2nd Place:
Individual Creator


3rd Place:
Individual Creator

Group Category: A group of five or more (5+) students who collaborated and worked on the project as part of a youth group, school  project, or after school extracurricular activity.



for the group of students



for the implementing school or organization.

Submit films to or call 813.769.4725 for more info.



to all the winners of the 2024

Teen Reels Short-Film Contest!



Keep up the fantastic work in

celebrating and preserving Jewish heritage

through your creative expressions.


It is truly commendable.




We hope to see you next year!

The Winners of the 2024 Teen Reels Awards are...



Ava Gonzalez




Brennan Port




Shani Milstein




Film by Ava Gonzalez

Jewish Stories

by Brennan Port

Krav Maga

The Candle


Thank You

for Celebrating Yom Ha'Atzmaut with Us!


We had a fantastic time celebrating Israel's Independence Day with all of you! The sights, sounds, and flavors of Israel truly came alive thanks to your participation.


A special thank you goes out to:

  • Participants in the Teen Reels Short-Film Contest: Your films not only showcase the vibrancy and richness of Jewish culture but also serve as powerful tools for spreading awareness and understanding..
  • Our talented craft vendors: Your unique creations added a vibrant touch to the event.
  • The community organizations: Thank you for sharing your work and connecting with the community.
  • The amazing performance by The Shuk: You created a truly joyous event!
  • The dedicated volunteers: Your hard work ensured a smooth-running and enjoyable event for all.
  • And of course, to all the attendees! Your energy and enthusiasm made Yom Ha'Atzmaut truly special.


We look forward to celebrating with you again next year!



Sponsors as of 9-12-2023