October 7th
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Shanna & Bryan Glazer JCC
522 N. Howard Ave., Tampa
Musical interludes by Nachum Peterseil
Featured speaker Rom El-Hai, Nova Music Festival Massacre Survivor
Hatikvah led by Hillel Academy of Tampa students
Dessert to follow
Attendance is Free but registration required by October 1.
Walk-ins will not be permitted.
If you have a loved one who was a victim of the October 7 massacre and would like their name and picture displayed during the candle lighting, please email to Idit Lotringer, Israeli American Council ilotringer@israeliamerican.org by October 1.
Please note that images should be at least 800 x 600 pixels; do not have embedded text or clear backgrounds; and are submitted in one of the acceptable file formats: TIFF, JPG, BMP, PDF, PowerPoint, or PSD.