Commemorating October 7


October 7th

7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Shanna & Bryan Glazer JCC

522 N. Howard Ave., Tampa



Musical interludes by Nachum Peterseil

Featured speaker Rom El-Hai, Nova Music Festival Massacre Survivor

Hatikvah led by Hillel Academy of Tampa students

Dessert to follow



Attendance is Free but registration required by October 1.

Walk-ins will not be permitted.


If you have a loved one who was a victim of the October 7 massacre and would like their name and picture displayed during the candle lighting, please email to Idit Lotringer, Israeli American Council by October 1.  


Please note that images should be at least 800 x 600 pixels; do not have embedded text or clear backgrounds; and are submitted in one of the acceptable file formats: TIFF, JPG, BMP, PDF, PowerPoint, or PSD.