Lea and Mira tells the story of two elderly Polish Jewish women living in Argentina. As children, they were taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where they were imprisoned for two years. Having survived such horror was, in their own words, a miracle. The movie depicts the thoughts of these two Holocaust Survivors who, in the twilight of their lives, transmit their wisdom, their resilience, and their way of looking at the world and life after trauma and horror. This film pays homage to life and its power to triumph over death, even in the face of terrible suffering.
Following the film, local Holocaust Survivor Pieter Kohnstam will share his personal experience of escaping Nazi Europe to Argentina. Pieter was born in the Netherlands and lived in the same building as Anne Frank and her family. When his family was scheduled for transport to Theresienstadt, they fled Amsterdam and arrived in Argentina one year later in 1943.
To reserve your seat, call 727.820.0100 ext. 301. Free and open to the public.