
22 2015

Schaarai Zedek Adult Education: The Role of Government in our Lives

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Congregation Schaarai Zedek 3303 W Swann Ave
Tampa, FL 33609-4643
(813) 876-2377 (Phone)
(813) 873-1401 (Fax)

Contact Schaarai Zedek Temple Office
(813) 876-2377 (Phone)
(813) 873-1401 (Fax)

The Role of Government in Our Lives: A Jewish/American Perspective
Wednesdays, April 22, 29 and May 6
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Teachers: Rabbi Birnholz and Rabbi Simon

Wednesday, April 22 — Information: Privacy vs. Security
We value our privacy and have a natural distrust of “Big Brother Government.” But how do we balance our distrust with our need for intelligence that can keep us safe in a world of terrorism? Hear what the Jewish experience has to say on the subject.
Wednesday, April 29 — Regulation: Whose Business is Religion?
Can the separation of church and state go too far? Religious minorities should be protected from the religious practices of the majority. But what about the religious rights of the majority? We Jews have had it both ways. Is there a lesson in our unique experience?
Wednesday, May 6 — Militarization: America’s Interests vs. Israel’s
Iran has become an American-Israeli battleground This is the first time American Jews have had to ask: am I an American first or a Jew first? Should Israel continue to choose sides in American politics? Can she afford not to? Is there a Jewish precedent?

RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or office@zedek.org.