----Rabbi Joel Wasser (z”l) Memorial Scholar in Residence Weekend, Friday, April 28- Sunday April 30, 2017. Hazzan Eric Wasser will be the special guest speaker at Congregation Kol Ami during the Rabbi Joel Wasser (z”l) Memorial Scholar in Residence weekend of April 28 – April 30, 2017. Activities for the weekend include, Hazzan Wasser giving a D’Var Torah at Friday evening services, which begin at 6:00 PM, on Pikuach Nefesh. Hazzan Wasser will share his personal story of the trials and tribulations of having the opportunity to save the life of a past president of his present congregation. He will review sources pertaining to this mitzvah and share the ambivalence he felt before, during and after the process. After services there is a dinner which requires reservations by calling Congregation Kol Ami office at 813-962-6338 by April 19th. Adult dinner is $20 and Children under 11 are $15 (3 and under are free). Shabbat morning, April 29th, at services which begin at 9:30 AM, Hazzan Wasser will again give a D’Var Torah on ”Strange Jewish Rituals”. Hazzan Wasser will present an offering of anthropological overview of life-cycle rituals and demonstrate how Jewish rituals fit perfectly into the paradigm of all ritual practices. He will offer examples of both little-known and more familiar rituals, in an attempt to highlight acculturation and self-identity. A luncheon will be provided after services. RSVP is requested by calling the office. On Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, Hazzan Wasser and Cantor Beth Schlossberg will present a music based program. Brunch will be provided and reservations are requested by calling Congregation Kol Ami.